Jurnal Ilmiah Nasional dan Internasional

  1. Juliano, G., Suwardi, S., & Sudadi, U. Dynamics of Tropical Peatlands Characteristics and Carbon Stocks as Affected by Land Use Conversion and Ages of Land Use in Riau Province, Indonesia. Journal of Tropical Soils. 29(1), 23–32. https://doi.org/10.5400/jts.2024.v29i1.23-32.
  2. Fawzi, N. I., Sumawinata, B., Suwardi, Rahmasary, A. N., Qurani, I. Z., Naufaldary, R. G., Nabillah, R., Palunggono, H. B., & Mulyanto, B. (2024). Integrated water management practice in tropical peatland agriculture has low carbon emissions and subsidence rates. Heliyon, 10(5), e26661. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e26661.
  3. Suwardi, Suryanintyas, D. T., Ghofar, A., Rosjidi, M., Mustafa, A., & Saputra, H. (2024). Impact of Controlled-Release Fertilizer on Avaibility of Phosphorus, Sulpur, Iron, Copper, Zinc, Manganese and Production of Red Onin (Allium asclonicum L.). Journal of Ecological Engineering, 25(3), 334–343. https://doi.org/10.12911/22998993/182918.
  4. Suwardi, Randrikasari, O. (2023). Teknologi Reklamasi Lahan Bekas Tambang Nikel Untuk Mempercepat Keberhasilan. Risalah Kebijakan Pertanian dan Lingkungan Rumusan Kajian Strategis Bidang Pertanian dan Lingkungan, 10(3), 145-164. https://doi.org/10.29244/jkebijakan.v10i3.50866.
  5. Syafriyandi, D., Setiawan, B. I., Arif, C., & Suwardi, S. (2023). Performance of Automatic Unpowerer Subsurface Irrigation on Water-Lettuce, Choy-Sum, and Spinach Cultivations. Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian, 11(3), 268–278. https://doi.org/10.19028/jtep.011.3.268-278.
  6. Harwanto, Hara Karti, P. D., Suwardi, Abdullah L. (2023). Native Plant Composition and Soil Microfauna in Limestone Post-mining Land as Potential for Development of Ruminant Forage. Journal of Biological Diversity, Vol. 24, No. 11: 6332-6342. 10.13057/biodiv/d241158
  7. Suwardi, S., Suryaningtyas, D. T., Saputra, H., Rosjidi, M., Mustafa, A., & Ghofar, A, (2023). Release Pattern of Nitrogen and Potassium from Controlled Release Fertilizer (CRF) in the Soil. JOURNAL OF TROPICAL SOILS, 28(3), 99. https://doi.org/10.5400/jts.2023.v28i3.99-106.
  8. Suwardi, Darmawan, Djajakirana, B. Sumawinata and Al Viandari, N. (2023). Assessing N2O Emissions from Tropical Crop Cultivation in Mineral and Peatland Soils: A Review. Caraka Tani: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 38(2), 308. http://dx.doi.org/10.20961/carakatani.v38i2.75235
  9. Al Viandari, N., Wihardjaka, A., Pulunggono, H. B., Suwardi, Sutriadi Mas Teddy. (2023). The dynamics of the nutrients in degraded Vertic Endoaquepts of rainfed rice fields with soil ameliorant and ssoil tillange management. Journal of Degraded & Mining Lands Management, Vol.10(3), 4357-4367. https://doi.org/10.15243/jdmlm.2023.103.4357
  10. Setiadji, P., Sulistyantara, B., Pramudya, B., & Suwardi, (2022). DETERMINATION OF ATTRACTIVENESS INDEX AND CARRYING CAPACITY OF THE GEOSITES FOR SUSTAINABLE GEOTOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN THE CYCLOOPS MOUNTAINS OF PAPUA, INDONESIA. GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites, 42(2 supplement), 817–823. https://doi.org/10.30892/gtg.422spl22-893.
  11. Al Viandari, N., Wihardjaka, A., Pulunggono, H. B., & Suwardi, S. (2022). Sustainable Development Strategies of Rainfed Paddy Fields in Central Java, Indonesia: A Review. Caraka Tani: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 37(2), 275. http://dx.doi.org/10.20961/carakatani.v37i2.58242
  12. Pratiwi, Narendra, B. H., Siregar, C. A., Turjaman, M., Hidayat, A., Rachmat, H. H., Mulyanto, B., Suwardi, Iskandar, Maharani, R., Rayadin, Y., Prayudyaningsih, R., Yuwati, T. W., Prematuri, R., & Susilowati, A. (2021). Managing and Reforesting Degraded Post-Mining Landscape in Indonesia: A Review. Land, Vol.10, No 6, 658. https://doi.org/10.3390/land10060658
  13. Danang, D., Suwardi, S., & Hidayat, I. A. (2019). Mitigasi Bencana Banjir dengan Sistem Informasi Monitoring dan Peringatan Dini Bencana menggunakan Microcontroller Arduino Berbasis IoT. Jurnal Undip, 40 (1): 55-60. Doi 10.14710/teknik.v40n1.23342. https://www.researchgate.net
  14. Nugroho PA, U Sudadi, Suwardi. 2018. Effect of Fertilizer Management on Soil Carbon Dioxide Fluxes in Grassland and Cornfield during Winter. J. Agr. Sci. Tech (2018) Vol.20:841-853. http://dorl.net/dor/20.1001.1.16807073.2018.
  15. Rahmi E, Suwardi, B. Sumawinata. 2018. Characterization of Humic Substance Extracted from Andisols, Spodosols, and Lignite. Journal of Soil Science and Agroclimatology, 15 (1), 2018, 35-45. https://doi.org/10.15608/stjssa.v15i1.21622
  16. Mulyani S, DT Suryaningtyas, Suwardi, Suwarno. 2016. Quality Improvement of Compost from Empty Oil Palm Fruit Bunch by the Addition of Boiler Ash and its Effect of Chemical Properties of Ultisols and the Production of Mustard (Brassica juncea L.). J. Trop Soils, Vol 21, No. 3 2016:161-169. http://dx.doi.org/10.5400/jts.2016.v21i3.161-169
  17. Dewi EM, Suwardi, DT Suryaningtyas, S Anwar. 2016. Utilization of Natural Zeolites as Cu (II) and Zn (II) Adsorbent. J. Trop Soils, Vol 21, No. 3, 2016:153-160. http://dx.doi.org/10.5400/jts.2016.v21i3.153-160
  18. Kurniati, Sudarsono, Suwardi. 2016. Characterization of Several Paddy Soil Types in Bogor, West Java, Indonesia.  J. Trop Soils, Vol 21, No. 1 2016:27-32. http://dx.doi.org/10.5400/jts.2016.v21i1.27-32
  19. Keratorop M, Widiatmaka, Suwardi. 2016. Arahan pengembangan komoditas tanaman pangan di Kabupaten Boven Digoel Provinsi Papua. J. Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan Vol 6 No. 2 (Desember 2016): 141-150. . https://doi.org/10.29244/jpsl.6.2.141
  20. Keratorop M, Widiatmaka, Suwardi. 2016. Arahan pengembangan komoditas unggulan pertanian tanaman pangan di Kabupaten Digoel Provinsi Papua. Plano Madani: Jurnal Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, 5 No. 2. https://journal3.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/planomadani/article/view/1586.
  21. Nugroho PA, M Shimizu, H Nakamoto, A Nagatake, Suwardi, U Sudadi, R Hatano. 2015. Nitrous oxide fluxes from soil under different crops and fertilizer management. J. Plant Soil Environ. Vol 61, 2015, No. 9:385-392. https://doi.org/10.17221/164/2015-PSE
  22. Priyadi, Iskandar, Suwardi, RR Mukti. 2015. Characteristics of Heavy Metals Adsoption Cu, Pb and Cd Using Synthetic Zeolite Zsm-5. J. Trop Soils, Vol 20, No. 2, 2015:77-83. http://dx.doi.org/10.5400/jts.2015.v20i2.77-83
  23. Hatano R, Suwardi, Sonoko BD. 2015. Key processes and factors to mitigate land degradation. Catena 133 (2015) 453-454.
  24. Rahmi E, Suwardi, B. Sumawinata. 2018. Characterization of Humic Substance Extracted from Andisols, Spodosols, and Lignite. Journal of Soil Science and Agroclimatology, 15 (1), 2018, 35-45.
  25. Hendri J, Suwardi, B Sumawinata, DT Baskoro. 2014. CO2 Flux from Tropical Land Uses on Andisol in West Java, Indonesia. J Trop Soils, Vol 19, No. 3 2014:121-130. http://dx.doi.org/10.5400/jts.2014.v19i3.121-130
  26. Suwardi, Hermanu Wijaya. 2013. Peningkatan Produksi Tanaman Pangan dengan Bahan Aktif Asam Humat dengan Zeolit sebagai Pembawa. Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia (JIPI). 18 (2):79-84. https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/JIPI/article/view/8374/0
  27. Nurwadjedi, B Mulyanto, Suwardi. 2009. The Assesment of the Rice Field sustainability in Java based on regional spatial use planning (RSUP). Jurnal Ilmiah Tanah dan Lingkungan. Vol. 9 (2): 80-87. http://repository.ipb.ac.id/handle/123456789/88390
  28. Iskandar, Suwardi, EFR Ramadina. 2008. Pemanfaatan Bahan Amelioran Abu Terbang pada Lingkungan Tanah Gambut: (I) Pelepasan Hara Makro. Jurnal Tanah Indonesia. Vol 1 (1): 1-6.
  29. Suwardi, H Rumonda, Darmawan. 2008. Pengaruh Limbah Cair Pabrik Kelapa Sawit dan Zeolit Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Tanaman Caisin (Brassica Juncea).  Jurnal Ilmiah Pertanian GOKURYOKU. Vo. XIV No. 1, Tahun 2008. ISSN: 0853-7674
  30. Suwardi, B Mulyanto. 2006. Prospek Zeolit sebagai Bahan Penjerap dalam Remediasi Lahan Bekas Tambang. Jurnal Zeolit Indonesia, Vol 5 (2): 77-85.
  31. Estiaty LM, Suwardi, I Maruya, D Fatimah. 2006. Pengaruh Zeolit dan Pupuk Kandang Terhadap Residu Unsur Hara dalam Tanah. Jurnal Zeolit Indonesia Vol 5 (1) 37-44.
  32. Estiaty LM, Suwardi, I Yuliana, D Fatimah, D Suherman. 2005. Pengaruh Zeolit Terhadap Efisiensi Unsur Hara pada Pupuk Kandang dalam Tanah. Jurnal Zeolit Indonesia, Vol 4 (2): 62-69.
  33. Suwardi, B Mulyanto, B Sumawinata, A Sandrawati. Sejarah Pengelolaan Lahan Gambut di Indonesia. Jurnal Ilmiah Pertanian Gakuryoku, Vol. XI No. 2, 2005 (120-126).
  34. Suwardi.   Pengaruh Zeolit terhadap Penguapan Gas Amoniak dari Hasil Dekomposisi Bahan Organik. Jurnal Ilmiah Pertanian Gakuryoku. Vol. 10 (1).
  35. Suwardi, MB Pangestu. 2004. Zeoponik sebagai Media Tanam pada Budidaya Tanaman Hortikultura. Jurnal Zeolit Indonesia. Vol 3(1) 15-18, ISSN: 1411-6723
  36. Pangestu MB, Suwardi, 2004. Pengaruh Penambahan Zeolit pada Media Tumbuh Tanaman pada Tanaman Melon dan Semangka dalam Sistem Hidroponik.  Jurnal Zeolit Indonesia. Vol 3 (1) 30-35. ISSN: 1411-6723
  37. Susanto S, Suwardi, A Mursyada. 2002. Penetapan Nisbah Nitrogen-Amonium: Nitrogen-Nitrat dan Konsentrasi Kalsium pada Tanaman Tomat (Lycopersicon escultentum Mill) dengan Sistem Hidroponik. Journal Gokuryoku. Vol.8 (1): 55-59.
  38. Suwardi, S Susanto, H Setyoprathiwi. Penetapan Nisbah Nitrogen-Amonium: Nitrogen-Nitrat dan Konsentrasi Kalsium pada Tanaman Paprika (Capsium annum var. grossum) dengan Sistem Hidroponik. Journal Gokuryoku, Vol. 8 (2): 102-106.
  39. Suwardi. 2002. Prospek Pemanfaatan Mineral Zeolit di Bidang Pertanian. Ikatan Zeolit Indonesia, Jurnal Zeolit Indonesia, Vol.1 (1): 5-12.
  40. Suwardi, B Mulyanto. Pengembangan Pertanian di Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Mamberamo, Irian Jaya: Studi Kasus di Dabra, Kecamatan Mamberamo Hulu, Kabupaten Jayapura. Gakuryoku, Volume VI No. 2 th 2000, 6(2): 156-161.
  41. Mulyanto B, B Sumawinata, Suwardi, G Djajakirana. Sifat Mineralogi Liat Tanah (Berpotensi) Sulfat Masam Pada Sistem Pengelolaan Lahan Orang Banjar (SPLOP) di Kalimantan Selatan. Gakuryoku V (4): 273-281.
  42. Suwardi, B Sumawinata, B Mulyanto, G Djajakirana. 1999. Peranan Kualitas Air Irigasi untuk Tanaman Padi Sawah pada Tanah Berpotensi Sulfat Masam di Pulau Petak, Kalimantan Selatan. Gakuryoku V (4): 282-290.
  43. Mulyanto B, Suwardi, B Sumawinata. 1999. Hubungan Asosiasi Vegetasi dengan Sifat-sifat Tanah dalam Sekuen Suksesi pada Sistem Pengelolaan Lahan Orang Banjar (SPLOB) di Kalimantan Selatan. Gakuryoku 4(2) 24-33
  44. Suwardi. 1998. Pemanfaatan Mineral Zeolit di Bidang Pertanian. Journal Gakuryoku. Vol. 4 (2): 1-9.
  45. Suwardi. 1995. Prospek Zeolit sebagai Media Tumbuh Tanaman. Agrotek 2(2):43-47.
  46. Suwardi, DT Suryaningtyas. Effect of Zeolite Application on Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) of Soils and Production of Tomato. Plant J. II. Pert. Indon. 5(2): 82-89. Suwardi, Astiana, I Goto. 1995. Some Mineralogical and Chemical Propperties of Natural Zeolite in Indonesia and Its Proposed Application in Agriculture, Indon. J. Trop. Agric. 6(2):15-20.
  47. Suwardi, I Goto, M Ninaki. 1995. The Quality of Natural Zeolites from Japan and Indonesia and Their Application Effects for Soil Amendment. Agricultural Science, Tokyo University of Agriculture, 39 (3):133-148.

Prosidings Seminar Nasional dan Internasional

  1. Tjahyandari Suryaningtyas, D., Fitri Lestari, Hermanu Wijaya, Suwardi S. (2023). Engineering of zeoponic: Plant growth media from zeolites mineral for horticultural crops. AIP Conference Proceedings Vol.2732(1) 020009. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0134512
  2. Putri Oktariani, Miftakhul Hidayat, Dyah Tjahyandari, Suwardi S. (2023). Comparison of horticultural crop growth planted on zeoponic and commercial growth media. AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol.2732 (1). https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0133369
  3. S Wiyono, AM., S Suwardi, Syakir. (2023). International Conference on Modern and Sustainable Agriculture (ICOMSA): Building Future Agriculture for Better World. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1133(1), 011001. https://doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1133/1/011001
  4. Tjahyandari Suryaningtyas, D., Galuh Nur Fatiha, Y., Oktariani, P., & Suwardi. (2023). Zeoponic, a plant growing medium from zeolite mineral. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1133(1), 012020. https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/1133/1/01202020
  5. Suwardi, Palupiningtyas, E., Galuh Nur Fatiha, Y., Hidayat, M., Tjahyandari Suryaningtyas, D., & Oktariani, P. (2023). Chemical and physical properties of zeoponic and their influence on growth of forestry plant seeding and horticultural crops. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1133(1), 012019. https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/1133/1/012019
  6. Rahmi, E., Ernawita, Satriawan, H., & Suwardi. (2022). Soil amelioration using several typer of humic substances extracted from andisol, spodosol, peat and lignite to increase the growth of corn plants (Zea mays). IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1115(1), 012089. https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/1115/1/012089
  7. Viandri, N. A., Wihardjaka, A., Pulunggono, H. B., Suwardi, Soil Tillage System and Water Management Effect on Soil Physical Properties and Yield in Rainfed Paddy Field. Proceedings of the International Conference on Radioscience, 971-978(8). http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-0308-3_77.
  8. Setiadji, P., Sulistyantara, B., Pramudya, B., & Suwardi, (2022). DETERMINATION OF ATTRACTIVENESS INDEX AND CARRYING CAPACITY OF THE GEOSITES FOR SUSTAINABLE GEOTOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN THE CYCLOOPS MOUNTAINS OF PAPUA, INDONESIA. GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites, 42(2 supplement), 817–823. https://doi.org/10.30892/gtg.422spl22-893.
  9. Viandari, N. A., Wihardjaka, A., Pulunggono, H. B., Suwardi, Sulastri, B. N., & Setyastika, U. S. (2021). Effect of P, Zn and crop residue return on grain yield and P uptake of direct seeded rice. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 648(1), 012181. https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/648/1/012181.
  10. Rais, M. A., Suryaningtyas, D. T., Baskoro, D. P. T., Suwardi, Hazra, F., & Iskandar. (2021). Utilization of fly ash—Bottom ash, compost and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on growth of crops. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 756(1), 012065. https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/756/1/012065.
  11. Suwardi, 2021. The role of humic substances to improve degraded soils for increasing crops production. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 694(1), 012005. https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/694/1/012005
  12. Knaofmone, E., Suwardi, Sumawinata, B., & Djajakirana, G. (2021). Application of Cu and Zn to improve the growth of maize and sorghum in high-pH soils. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 694(1), 012054. https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/694/1/012054.
  13. Suwardi, B Sumawinata, 2021. Characterization of steel slag and its effect on rice production in Latosol and acid sulfate soil. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 694(1), 012056. https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/694/1/012056.
  14. Suwardi, 2021. The role of humic substances to improve degraded soils for increasing crops production. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 694(1), 012005. https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/694/1/012005.
  15. Suwardi. 2021. Indonesian food security during the Covid-19 pandemic. ARCoFS 2021 IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 756 (2021) 012037 IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1755-1315/756/1/012037.
  16. Rais MA, D T Suryaningtyas, D P T Baskoro, Suwardi, F Hazra, and Iskandar. 2021. Utilization of fly ash – bottom ash, compost and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on growth of crops. ARCoFS 2021 IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 756 (2021) 012065 IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1755-1315/756/1/012065.
  17. Viandari NAl, A Wihardjaka, HB Pulunggono, Suwardi, BN Sulastri and US Setyastika. 2021. Effect of P, Zn and crop residue return on grain yield and P uptake of direct seeded rice N Al. 1st International Conference on Sustainable Tropical Land Management IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 648 (2021) 012181.
  18. Wardani IK, Suwardi, B Sumawinata. 2021. Characterization of steel slag and its effect on rice production in Latosol and Acid Sulfate Soil. International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Farming System 2020. International e-Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Farming System. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 694 (2021) 012056.
  19. Knaofmone E, Suwardi, B Sumawinata, G Djajakirana. 2021. Application of Micronutrients of Cu and Zn to Improve Growth Maize and Sorghum in High-pH Soils. International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Farming System 2020. International e-Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Farming System. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 694 (2021) 012054.
  20. Suwardi. 2021. The Role of Humic Substances to improve Degraded Soils for Increasing Production of Agricultural Plants. International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Farming System 2020. International e-Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Farming System. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 694 (2021) 012005.
  21. Suwardi, DF Pratiwi, DT Suryaningtyas. 2020. Increasing oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) production by the application of humic substance and zeolite as carrier. 1st International Conference on Suatainable Plantation (1st ICSP 2019). IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 418 (2020) 012046.
  22. Banamtuan E, Suwardi, Iskandar, B Sumawinata. 2020. Application of solid and liquid organic matter to increase P availability in Inceptisol. Internasional Conference of Bio-Based Economy and Agricultural Utilization 2019. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 497 (2020) 012036.
  23. Suwardi. SN Chilili, S Anwar. 2019. Application of humic substances with zeolite as carrier to increase the production of water spinach (Ipomoea reptans poir). International Seminar and Congress of Indonesian Soil Science Society 2019. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 393 (2019) 012055.
  24. Wardani IK, Suwardi, Darmawan, B Sumawinata. 2019. A critical contribution on understanding the mechanism and implication of peat irreversible drying. International Seminar and Congress of Indonesian Soil Science Society 2019. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 393 (2019) 012055.
  25. Sumawinata B, G. Djajakirana, Suwardi, Darmawan. 2019. Understanding nutrience cycles as key to sustainable forest plantation on tropical peatland in Indonesia. 2019. International Seminar and Congress of Indonesian Soil Science Society 2019. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 393 (2019) 012029.
  26. Hamzah AS, Darmawan, B. Sumawinata, Suwardi, G. Djajakirana. 2019. Spatial analysis of hotspot data for tracing the source of annual peat fires in South Sumatera, Indonesia. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 383 012068.
  27. Rakhmad F, Suwardi. DT Suryaningtyas. 2019. Release Pattern of ammonium, nitrate, and pottasium from Slow-Released Fertilizer (SRF) in the Soil. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 383 012037.
  28. Suwardi. 2019. Utilization and Improvement of Marginal Soils for Agricultural Development in Indonesia. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 383 012047.
  29. Suwardi, Imansyah A, Sumawinata B, Djajakirana G. 2015. Metode Penetapan Mesofauna Tanah pada Areal Lahan Gambut di Teluk Meranti, Kabupaten Palalawan, Provinsi Riau. Prosiding Seminar Nasional HITI 2015.
  30. Handoko RB, Suwardi, U Sudadi. 2015. Sintesis Zeolit dari Bahan Dasar Abu Terbang Sebagai Adsorben Logam Berat Cu (II). Prosiding Seminar Nasional HITI 2015. 445-452.
  31. Syah AI, B Sumawinata, Suwardi, Darmawan, G Djajakirana. 2015. Metode Penetapan Mesofauna Tanah pada Areal Lahan Gambut di Teluk Meranti, Kabupaten Pelalawan, Provinsi Riau. Prosiding Seminar Nasional HITI 2015. 293-299.
  32. Viny R. Febrianti, B Sumawinata, Suwardi, G Djajakirana. 2015. Pengaruh Pemberian Bahan Humat terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Jagung (Zeamays) pada Latosol Darmaga dan Podsolik Jasinga. Prosiding Seminar Nasional HITI 2015. 101-105.
  33. Hatano R, Suwardi, Sonoko BD. 2015. Key processes and factors to mitigate land degradation. Catena 133 (2015) 453-454.
  34. Suwardi, VD Koswandora, A Suryadi, F Hazama, R Hatano. 2015. N2O Emission in an Agricultural Land with Corn, Peanut and Cassava Crops in Bogor, Indonesia. 12th International Conference of the East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies. 18-21 Septermber 2015. Nanjing, China.
  35. Sumawinata B, Suwardi, CP Munoz. 2012. Emission of CO2 and CH4 from Plantation Forest of Acacia Crassicarpa on Peatlands in Indonesia. Proceedings of the 14th International Peat Congress Peatlands in Indonesia. Stockholm, Sweden, 3-8 Juny 2012.
  36. Mulyanto B, Suwardi. 2011. Land Degradation and Ecosystem Restoration in Indonesia. Proceedings of The 10th International Conference of the East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies, Sri Lanka, 10-13 Oktober 2011
  37. Suwardi, Y. A. Temenggung and B. Mulyanto. 2011. Indonesian Society of Soil Science (ISSS). Proceedings of The 10th International Conference of the East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies, Sri Lanka, 10-13 Oktober 2011
  38. Suwardi, Denise Furi Pratiwi, Maulana Wijaya, Dyah T. Suryaningtyas, dan Hermanu Wijaya. 2011. Peningkatan Produksi kelapa Sawit (Elais guineensis jacq) dengan Bahan Pembenah Tanah Zeolit dan Asam Humat. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Zeolit VII. Surabaya, 17-18 Desember 2011.
  39. Evi Mutiara, Suwardi, Dyah T. Suryaningtyas. 2011. Aplikasi Bahan Humat dengan Karier Zeolit pada Lahan Padi Sawah di Tanah Latosol, Bogor. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Zeolit VII. Surabaya, 17-18 Desember 2011.
  40. Bagus Ahmad Hermawan, Suwardi, Darmawan. 2011. Aplikasi Bahan Humat dengan Carrier Zeolit terhadap produksi Tanaman Jagung (Zea Mays) di Tanah Latosol Sindangbarang. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Zeolit VII. Surabaya, 17-18 Desember 2011.
  41. Surya Herdjuna, Suwardi, Sri Djuniwati. 2011. Pemanfaatan Bahan Humat dan Abu Terbang untuk Reklamasi Lahan Bekas Tambang. Prosiding Seminar Teknologi Reklamasi Tambang untuk Mendukung Green Mining. 10-13 Oktober 2011.
  42. Suwardi, Sisno Sj, Pasmaji S. 2011. Kajian Sedimen Terlarut dan Material Nutrien (N dan P) di Daerah Aliran Sungai Lumajang, Banjarnegara, Jawa tengah. Prosiding Seminar dan Kongres Nasional Himpunan Ilmu Tanah Indonesia X. Surakarta, 6-8 Desember 2011.
  43. Suwardi. 2011. Zeolit Sebagai Karier Bahan Humat untuk Peningkatan Produksi Tanaman Pangan dan Perkebunan. Prosiding Seminar dan Kongres Nasional Himpunan Ilmu Tanah Indonesia X. Surakarta, 6-8 Desember 20
  44. Andi Suryadi, Suwardi, 2011. Kontribusi Emisi Gas CH4 dan N2O dari Lahan Tanaman Jagung, Kacang Tanah, dan Singkong di Bogor. Prosiding Seminar dan Kongres Nasional Himpunan Ilmu Tanah Indonesia X. Surakarta, 6-8 Desember 2011.
  45. Suwardi, G. Djakakirana, B. Sumawinata, DPT. Baskoro, C. Munos and R. Hatano. 2011. Nutrient cycle in acacia crassicarpa plantation on deep tropical peatland at Bukitbatu. Bengkalis. Indonesia. Proceedings of The 10th International Conference of the East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies, Sri Lanka, 10-13 Oktober 2011.
  46. Hatano R, T Inoue, H Yamada, S Sato, U Darung, S Limin, A Limin, T June, Suwardi, B Sumawanita, H Wijaya, S Wijonarko, J Bathgate. 2010. Soil Greenhouse Gases Emissions from Various Land Uses in Tropical Peatlands in Indonesia. Proceedings of Palangkaraya International Symposium and Workshop on Tropical Peatland. Intergreated Field Environmental Science-Global Center of Excellent (IFES_GCOE). Palangkaraya, 10-11 June 2010.
  47. B Sumawinata, Suwardi, Darmawan, G Djakjakirana, DPT Baskoro. 2010. Improvement of Acid Soil Productivity: The Use of Shrimp-Tile Pump in Rice Cultivation During Dry Season. Proceedings of Palangkaraya International Symposium and Workshop on Tropical Peatland. Integrated Field Environmental Science-Global Center of Excellent (IFES_GCOE). Palangkaraya, 10-11 June 2010.
  48. Temenggung YA, Suwardi. 2009. Indonesian Society of Soil Science. The 9th International Conferernce of The East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies. ESAFS Proceedings, Seoul Olympic Parktel, Seoul, Korea, 27-30 Oktober 2009.
  49. Temenggung YA, B Mulyanto, Suwardi. 2009. Distribution and Utilization of Indonesia Soils for Agriculture. The 9th International Conferernce of The East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies. ESAFS Proceedings, Seoul Olympic Parktel, Seoul, Korea, 27-30 Oktober 2009.
  50. Suwardi, G Djajakirana, H Wijaya, B Sumawinata. 2009. Renovation of Acid Sulfate Soil for Integrated Farming at Delta Berbak, Jambi Province. Proceeding of Bogor Symposium and Workshop on Tropical Peatland Management. Bogor-Indonesia, 14-15 July 2009.
  51. Iskandar, Suwardi. 2009. Meningkatkan Keberhasilan Reklamasi Lahan Bekas Tambang. Seminar Nasional Pengelolaan Lingkungan Pertambangan, Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Sriwijaya, 21-22 Oktober 2009 di Palembang.
  52. Iskandar, Suwardi, EFR Ramadina. 2009. Application of Fly Ash as Ameliorant in Peatland Environment: The Release of Micro Nutrients and Heavy Metals. Proceeding of Bogor Symposium and Workshop on Tropical Peatland Management. Bogor-Indonesia, 14-15 July 2009.
  53. Darmawan, B Sumawinata, Suwardi. 2009. Characterization and Prediction of Tropical Peatland for The Wise Use. Proceeding of Bogor Symposium and Workshop on Tropical Peatland Management. Bogor-Indonesia, 14-15 July 2009.
  54. Suwardi, B Sumawinata, Darmawan, G Djakakirana, H Wijaya. 2009. Utilization of Acid Sulfate Soil in Rantau Rasau- Jambi Province for Cultivation of Gaharu (Aquilaria). Proceeding of Bogor Symposium and Workshop on Tropical Peatland Management. Bogor-Indonesia, 14-15 July 2009.
  55. Sandrawati A, Suwardi. 2009. Utilization of Degraded Peatland for Producing Biomass as Source of Bioenergy and Compost. Proceeding of Bogor Symposium and Workshop on Tropical Peatland Management. Bogor-Indonesia, 14-15 July 2009.
  56. Pratomo KR, Suwardi, Darmawan. 2009. “Pengaruh Pupuk Slow Release Urea-Zeolit-Asam Humat (UZA) terhadap Produktivitas Tanaman Padi var. Ciherang. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Zeolit VI. Bandung, 2-4 November 2009
  57. Suwardi. 2009. Teknik Aplikasi Zeolit di Bidang Pertanian sebagai Bahan Pembenah Tanah. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Zeolit VI Bandung, 2-4 November 2009
  58. Suwardi. 2008. Permasalahan Pengembangan Pangan dan Bioenergi di Indonesia dan Beberapa Alternatif Pemecahannya. Prosiding Semiloka Nasional, 22-23 Desember 2008.
  59. Suwardi. 2007. Deposit dan Sifat-sifat Mineral Zeolit serta Pemanfaatannya Sebagai Bahan Pembenah Tanah. Seminar Nasional Himpunan Ilmu Tanah Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Desember 2007.
  60. Utami NW, Suwardi. 2007. Strategi Pengembangan Manggis (Garcinia mangostana, L) di Kabupaten Sawahlunto/Sijujung, Propinsi Sumatera Barat. Seminar Nasional Himpunan Ilmu Tanah Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Desember 2007.
  61. Suwardi, Darmawan, G Djajakirana, and B Sumawinata. 2007. Some Efforts for Improving Degraded Peatland in Berbak Delta-Jambi, Indonesia.  International Tropical Peat Seminar. Yogyakarta, 27-29 August 2007.
  62. B Sumawinata, Suwardi, H Furukawa. 2006. Aluminum Toxicity in Coastal Wetland of Rantau Rasau, Jambi Province.  Proceeding of International Symposium on Nature and Land Management of Tropikal Peat Land in South East Asia.  Bogor, 20-21 September 2006
  63. Suwardi, B Sumawinata, H Wijaya, G Djajakirana, H Furukawa. 2006. Pilot Project of Rice Culture in Acid Sulfate Soil Collaborated with Provincial Government of Jambi Province.  Proceeding of International Symposium on Nature and Land Management of Tropical Peat Land in South East Asia.  Bogor, 20-21 September 2006.
  64. Suwardi. 2006. Penggunaan zeolit di bidang pertanian. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Zeolit V, Bandar Lampung, 8-9 Agustus 2006.
  65. Stepenson T, Suwardi, A Mustofa, A Jufri, E Pratolo, D Jatiningsih. 2006. Studi slow release fertilizer (SRF): Uji beberapa formula SRF terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi Padi varietas IR-64. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Zeolit V, Bandar Lampung, 8-9 Agustus 2006.
  66. Hikmah N, A Sastiono, Suwardi, H Saputra, M Tandirerung, M Hamzah, D Jatiningsih, E Pratolo. 2006. Studi slow release fertilizer (SRF): peranan zeolit dalam pelepasan nitrogen dari pupuk tersedia lambat. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Zeolit V, Bandar Lampung, 8-9 Agustus 2006.
  67. Prakoso TG, Suwardi, M Rosjidi, A Jufri, Sulastri. 2006. Studi slow release fertilizer (SRF): uji efisiensi formula pupuk tersedia lambat campuran urea dengan zeolit. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Zeolit V, Bandar Lampung, 8-9 Agustus 2006.
  68. Suwardi, Sumawinata B. and Mulyanto, B. 2005. Podzolisation in Mal-Developed Coastal Peatland and Its Impacts to Soil Management. Proceedings International Seminar of Human Dimension on Tropical Peatland Under Global Environmental Changes. Hokaido University-Bogor Agricultural University.
  69. Djajakirana G, Suwardi, HM Bintoro, M Syakir, Jr Zairin, A Sudarman, A Setiana.   Manajemen dan Teknik Pengelolaan Sampah Pasar DKI Jakarta.  Prosiding Lokakarya Sehari Pengelolaan Sampah Pasar DKI Jakarta.
  70. Sumawinata B, G Djajakirana, Suwardi, H Wijaya. 2005. Pengalaman Perbaikan Lahan Sulfat Masam: Studi Kasus di Rantau rasau, Jambi.  Prosiding Seminar Hasil-Hasil Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian, IPB.  Faperta IPB. 21-22 September 2005.
  71. Suwardi, G Djajakirana, HM Bintoro, M Syakir, Zairin Jr, A Sudarman, A Setiana. 2005 Manajemen dan Taknik Pengelolaan Sampah Pasar DKI Jakarta. Prosiding Lokakarya Sehari Pengelolaan Sampah Pasar DKI Jakarta.
  72. Suwardi, B Sumawinata, G Jakakirana, B Mulyanto. 2005. Pengalaman Penanaman 7000 Batang Tanaman Gaharu pada Lahan Sulfat Masam di Rantau Rasau, Jambi. Proceeding Seminar Nasional Gaharu: Peluang dan Tantangan Pengembangan Gaharu di Indonesia, Seameo Biotrop, 1-2 Desember 2005.
  73. Suwardi. 2005. Zeolit Alam: Deposit dan Penggunaan di Bidang Pertanian. Simposium Nasional ISSAAS.
  74. Suwardi. 2004. Teknologi Pengomposan Bahan Organik sebagai Pilar Pertanian Organik. Proceeding Simposium Nasional Pertanian Organik: Keterpaduan Teknik Pertanian Tradisional dan Inovatif. Bogor 30 November 2004. ISBN 979-964671-5, 25-33.
  75. Pangestu MB, Suwardi, Widiatmaka. 2004. Pengaruh Penambahan Zeolit pada Media Tumbuh Tanaman pada Tanaman Melon dan Semangka dalam Sistem Hidroponik.  Jurnal Zeolit Indonesia. Vol 3 (1) 30-35. ISSN: 1411-6723.
  76. Suwardi, MB Pangestu. 2004. Zeoponik sebagai Media Tanam pada Budidaya Tanaman Hortikultura. Jurnal Zeolit Indonesia. Vol 3(1) 15-18, ISSN: 1411-6723.
  77. Suwardi, I Goto. 1996. Utilization of Indonesian Natural Zeolite in Agriculture. Proceedings of International Seminar on Development of Agribusiness and Its Impact on Agricultural Production in Southeast Asia (DABIA). Tokyo 11-16 November 1996. 387-394.